Sunday, April 30, 2017

Calm Before the Storm: Chapter 9.


I locked my phone and put it aside.

Jana: "esm3o esm3o" she looked at us "elyoum birthday Musaab w 7na jaybeenla cake 93'eera w ketha"

Me: "bs elyoum mu 25 May" I interrupted,

Jana: "eeh I know, bl hejri" she smiled, "elzbda, ho al7een bl 7mam bs wgt ma ajeeb elcake please 3'no ma3ay ok?"

We nodded and I unlocked my phone again to check Esraa's chat again,

Esm3i 3adi wallah
Bs ma abeek tt3lgeen feh w b3den t3rfeen wsh y9eer 3gb
Y3ni enti ma tdreen etha ho y7bk wla yshoufk nfs e5ta
W akeed nfs e5ta a9ln
7ta lw y7bk don't ever get into a relationship again

Tsthableen ma a7ba a9ln
Relationship elzmn
T5yli a7b wld 5ali
Sheli elfkra mn rask ma a7ba ana
Jalsa awhm nfsi

6yb la t9e7een bs
Entbhi ahm shay


I raised my head to see if Jana went to bring the cake but I saw Musaab getting out of the bathroom staring at me so I immediately looked back at my phone,

Wsh feek z3lti?

Ma z3alt bs m7tara y5ti
He keeps giving me mixed signals
Gbl shway ytbosm w ho y5mni w al7een y7gr
T3bt wallah

Munf9m ho b3d

I locked my phone, as soon as I did my phone buzzed again. It was a WhatsApp notification from Alia.

6be3ya eln6'rat 7gt Musaab?

Ma adri 3na

I switched to Musaab's chat,

Would you please stop giving me death stares?

I looked at him while he took his phone out of his pocket and typed back,


He thankfully didn't take his eyes off his phone after the message I sent,

Uncle Fahad: "ha Musaab yuba lgait 7jz 3la nfs 6yartna?"

Musaab: "eeh SV4907 97?"

Uncle Fahad: "ma adri wallah, l76'a ashyk"

He took his phone out of his pocket and checked something,

Uncle Fahad smiled: "eeh he nfs'ha"

I WhatsApped Alia,

Musaab jay m3na LA? 😐

He lives there you idiot

Ohh 97 nsait

Incase I didn't mention yet, my family and I travel to LA every summer (usually after Eid but sometimes in Ramadan, depends on how long our summer vacation is)

The third week of Ramadan was finally here. I was counting the days down. I couldn't wait to go to LA. You guys have no idea how much I love that city. The memories I have there are unreal. I don't blame Musaab for insisting to travel and study there. I guess it's all of our family members' favorite city.

We travelled in Ramadan 28th and arrived in Ramadan 29th. Things were more than amazing there. The weather. The vibes. The people I'm with. I just have a thing for family trips.

Faisal: "yallah bnt25r" he shouted while opening the hotel's room,

Me: "5l9t 5l9t wallah"

Faisal: "Alia ween?"

Me: "waray"

Alia and I took the elevator and left, we saw Faisal leaning on his car laughing.

Me: "hatha eli m39b w ygoul t25rna?"

Faisal tried to hide his laugh: "shoufi hinak" and he pointed somewhere,

I looked at where he was pointing and saw Musaab taking a selfie with a girl,

I knotted my eyebrows: "meen 4i?"

Faisal still laughing: "wsh drani ana?"

Alia laughed: "shklha 3rbya 97?"

They were laughing but I wasn't. I was feeling something burn inside me,

Musaab and the Arabian girl chit-chatted for a minute and then he came back laughing. Faisal and Alia were laughing as well while my face was literally a poker. I was pissed. Musaab's facial expressions changed as soon as he saw me not laughing, but then Faisal spoke,

Faisal: "meen ha4i?"

Musaab: "ma a3rfha" he chuckled, "galtli mshabha 3laik 3adi a9wr m3ak?"

Alia: "3rbya 97?"

Musaab: "eeh she's Saudi"

Faisal laughed: "w ent ma 9dgt 6b3n"

Musaab: "wsho tbeeni akrsh'ha? 3eeb"

I was staring at them giving Musaab death stares, just like the ones he gives me.

Faisal: "ma a54t rgmha?"

Me: "w3 w3, wsh eli a54t rgmha matu eli yrgmoun tara"

Faisal laughed: "astahbl wsh feek 39bti?"

Me: "ma 39bt" I took a deep breath and realized I was extra angry, "ray7a ajeebli Starbucks, a7d ybi?"

Musaab: "ana abi... umm moya"

I stared at him underestimating his existence,

Me: "3ndna moya bl sayara"

I turned around and walked to Starbucks silently not waiting for his response or reaction.

I got in Starbucks and stood in the queue. I finally realized that all this time I was falling for Musaab. I've been thinking about him so much lately, and whenever I see him I get those butterflies. Cheesy, I know. But I grew too attached once, and when we suddenly grew apart I realized I love him. I used to think that I only consider him as a brother, but not anymore. I fell for him. I wouldn't get this jealous if I don't love him. My blood was boiling like a hot damn water and my heartbeats were racing like they were in a marathon over a silly thing. But the worst thing about it, is that he considers me as a sister. But it doesn't matter anymore, it won't change anything. I already fell and I have no idea how to get up again.

My phone buzzed, a WhatsApp from Alia,

Ajl hatha elm5boul tbeena y56b?

Eskti w3 karhta



Are you hiding something?


Well, I am, and I am not telling you, not now.

Tbeen shay mn Starbucks?

No thanks

I switched to Esraa's chat,

It's official


I just got jealous and kind of showed it
I hate him

Chill and tell me what happened

I told her everything,

W3 w ho mstans 3leeha?

Madri 3na
Bs wa6'7 y6g6g

I don't want you to fall in love again

Too late

How's LA?

So good!
I wish you were here

Ya leet my family goes to LA
London sucks

London is beautiful
Bs inshallah one day we'll go to LA together ;)

I hope

I took my order and left, I saw the car parked in front of Starbucks and all of them were in. I hopped in the backseats next to Alia and we went to Urth Cafe to have brunch.

A week later, I woke up lazier than ever. It was around 2 PM but I didn't want to get up,

Alia: "ma b3'eeti tgomeen!"

Me: "t3bana shway"

Alia: "jat el3ma?"

Me: "lssa bs I'm PMSing"

Alia: "tbeen anzl aswe lk shay?"

Me: "wsh 3ndi 9ayra cute?" I laughed, "eeh abi n3na3"

Alia: "abeek t9797een 3shan elyoum elsa3a 8 elm3'rb bgabl 9deegati b Third Street w mama ma r7 tr9'a arou7 bl7ali" she smiled wildly,

Me: "mu l Allah y3ni"

Alia: "ll2sf"

Me: "6yb enzli sweeli n3na3 yallah"

Alia: "okay shway"

I stared at her clothes,

Me: "btro7een mkan el7een?"

Alia: "brou7 The Grove bbdl shay ams shreeta m3 Abdullah w bje"

Abdullah is her brother,

Me: "yallah eln3na3"

Alia: "zeen zeen"

She went downstairs and came back 10 minutes later with a teapot on a tray,

Nothing so important happened later. I started getting ready at 7 PM to go to Third Street Promenade with Alia. I applied simple makeup and we left,

Me: "ween btshofenhom?"

Alia: "glna gdam Starbucks, b3deen bnd5l elcinema"

Me: "ok, meen jay?"

Alia: "t3rfeenhom klhom, Ghalia w Mashail w Atheer"

Me: "okay mn hna Starbucks"

I led her to Starbucks as she followed me,

Alia: "shofeehum hnak" she pointed,

We walked to the girls and they greeted us, they were all there and we were the last ones to arrive.

Atheer: "yallah?"

Alia: "eeh"

Me: "esm3u entu esbgouni ana abi ashtri Starbucks ma asht'hi popcorn elcinema"

They nodded and left as I stood in the queue waiting for my turn,

Once I took my order, I left Starbucks and changed my directions to the cinema. I glanced Nasser with a bunch of guys walking opposite my way. They were facing me and Nasser and I's eyes met. I immediately looked away and walked a little faster so I can skip them. I saw Nasser changing his direction to follow me,

Me: "eb3d lw sm7t" I said without turning around,

Nasser: "Judy"

Me: "Nasser w elli y5leek eb3d 3ni lw sm7t"

Nasser: "mar7 a5leek leen tsm3eeni"

I turned around,

Me: "ha?"

Nasser: "ejlsi shway lw sm7ti" he pointed at one of the benches,

I laughed: "la mara m9dg nfsk ent"

He held my hands tight,

Me: "eflt ydk wla wallah ya Nasser b9r5 w ajm3 elnas 3laina"

Nasser: "bflt, bs t3ali ma3ay lw sm7ti"

Me: "Nasser ana jaya m3 ahli w mani nag9a mshaklk etrkni!"

Nasser: "aw3dk mar7 a6wl w m7d byshoufna"

I took a very deep breath,

Me: "fine"

He smiled as I followed him. Only God knows how much I've missed this smile. I wanted to hug him and tell him how much I missed him. I wanted to tell him how hard my life has become once he left. I wanted to tell him about my life updates. I wanted to stay with him for hours. But we don't always get what we want,

Me: "hatha mu elparking?"

Nasser: "sayarti"

Your thoughts matter!