Friday, July 28, 2017

Calm Before the Storm: Chapter 26.


Bye bdrs
Bs dg 3lay gbl la t6eer please

Bdoun ma tgouleen dag

I smiled and locked my phone to study. I was totally done at about 2 AM and my family were already back home, I WhatsApped Musaab,

I'm done

Tbeen ajeek?

Wsh tje tswi?

Ma wdk?

Klhm naymeen mafi a7d bl beet

A7la shay ;)

Kl zg πŸ˜‚
Ma k2n wrak r7la ent?

Twni mashi mn 3nd el3yal
Ray7 elm6ar


Allah yslmk

I got up and took a warm shower, I wore my pjs and did my night routine, I lit up a candle then laid on my bed. It was around 2:30 AM.

A7sni btwfa mn eln3as
Wdi ant6'r bs bagi ktheer 3la r7ltk
Dg 3lay ma r7 anam bs ba5th li 3'fwa shway ok?

Glbi enti wsh d3wa nami etha t3bana
Ana a7akeek awl ma aw9l inshallah

La la
Dg 3lay awl ma tjls bl 6yara



I made sure my phone wasn't silent and took a nap, the sound of my phone ringing woke me up,

Judy: "alo"

Musaab: "nmti?"

Judy: "eeh, weenk al7een?"

Musaab: "twni rakb el6yara, glteeli adg 3laik"

Judy: "eeh"

Musaab: "smi"

Judy: "madri Musaab n3sana w t3bana w wray gouma elsa3a 9 3shan el e5tbar"

Musaab: "5la9 ajl WhatsApp me"

Judy: "6yb"

Musaab: "mu tnameen!"

Judy: "ma r7 anam, brslk WhatsApp"

Musaab: "zeen yallah 7ayati bye"

Judy: "tou9l bl salama 7beebi"

Musaab: "Allah yslm glbk"

He hung up and I WhatsApped him,

Klmni awl ma tou9l w ent bl 6yara 7ta
Yallah goodnight
Take care glbi I'll miss you

Ya 76'i ❤️
Mn 3youni amreeni enti
Ana myt feek wallah

I smiled as I slept and woke up again at around 8 AM, I got dressed and only applied BB cream. Raju took me to the university,

Me: "elslam 3lykum" I grabbed my papers and gave them to the woman, "elyoum 3ndi e5tbar mu2jl w bybda b3d n9 sa3a, t3rfeen ay classroom Allah y3afeek?”

The Woman: "e5tbar wsho inshallah? Laish 3'bti 3na tdreen ena 76eena lk F?" she rolled her eyes, "wsh esmk enti?"

Me: "wshloun tgouleen 76etouli F w enti ma tdreen wsh esmi a9ln?"

The Woman: "etha jaya tdwreen mshakl e6l3i a7sn lk, l2nk jeeti elmakan el3'l6" she challenged,

Me: "mnb jaya adwr wla shay, jaya a5tbr w amshi" I tried to control myself,

The Woman: "malk e5tbar! F agoul lk!"

Me: "7beebti, hdeeli nfsk shway w 9li 3la elnbi, eljam3a bnfs'ha m7akytni w galtli elyoum e5tbari, l2ni youmha swait 3mlya w ma gdrt aji, wsh feek mt7msa?"

The Woman laughed: "mn m7akeek?"

Me: "mktb el8boul w eltasjeel"

The Woman: "7akeehum ajal leesh jaya 3ndi?"

Me: "etha ma 3ndk 5lfya 3n elmw6'ou3, gouli mn bdri, mu t6'y3een wgti w enti tt6g6geen, wray e5tbar ana mub jalsa amz7 m3k!"

The Woman: "e7trmi nfsk, l2ni lw abi 76eet lk F al7een bmzaji"

Me: "yuma mnk 3ad!" I whispered to myself as I went to the office,

She was young, I wouldn't talk to her the same way I did if she was older, she looked only a few years older, I'd give her the age of 25.

I walked to the register and enrollment office and took my exam, once I was finally done, I signed some papers and left,

The Woman: "enti haih!" she shouted,

I turned around,

Me: "t7akeeni?"

The Woman: "tshoufeen 3'eerk?"

Me: "3ndi esm 7beebti, w etha 3rfti t7trmeen elli 7oulk, 3rft a7akeek" I fake smiled,

The Woman: "en ma 76ait lk el F be5tbark ya bnt elnas, ma akoun bnt obouy!"

I ignored her and walked away,

The Woman: "tshoufeen!"

I turned around and stepped closer to her,

Me: "wsh ashouf?"

The woman stepped back, rolled her eyes, and walked away. I didn't get her actions at all, I called Raju and he took me back home. It was around 1 PM, I tried to take a nap but I couldn't. Every single person I knew was asleep, so I just watched my friends' Snapchat stories and read some tweets on Twitter until it was 3 PM, we had lunch and then I watched a movie with my mom. It was just another lazy day, so I went to sleep at about 8 PM,

I woke up the next morning at 6 AM. I calculated the hours and figured that Musaab arrived about 8 hours ago so I quickly opened WhatsApp to check if he sent anything but there were zero messages from him,

Shd3wa 3laik 9ar lk 8 sa3at wa9l wla arslt shay
Ersl ng6a 6yb bl kthb

He immediately went online,

Hala b3umri
Wallah arslt lk awl ma w9lt w ana bl 6yara bs el6'ahr kant elshbka zft w twni ashouf enha ma enrslt
Est3'rbt enk ma rdeeti a9ln glt shd3wa nayma bdri
Kant 10 el leel 3ndkum

He sent a screenshot of our chat and there was actually an un-sent message at around 8 AM according to his timezone, which was 10 PM according to ours, I took a look at my number and it was saved as: "πŸ’❤️"

7lu esmi :$
7mdellah 3la slamtk glbi

3umri Allah yslmk
How was your exam?

Not bad 7mdellah y3ni
Bs feeh w7da 3'bya t'hay6 wa6'7 twha mw6'fa w tbi tstfl 3la rasi Allah la ywfgha

A7 leeh wsh swt?

Madri 3nha s2lt'ha ween a5tbr galtli wsh t5tbreen 7a6een lk F, b3deen galtli l76'a wsh esmk?
Tsoug el3b6 wallah 3la keef omha 7a6een li F w b3deen ma tdri wsh esmi a9ln?
D5lt a5tbr w sfht'ha w ana 6al3a galtli en ma 76ait lk F ma akoun bnt obouy, slamat ween jalseen?

He immediately called me. I picked it up,

Musaab laughed hard: "shway shway la ynksr e9b3k w enti tktbeen"

Me: "ya sheenk Musaab dag 3lay 3shan tsm3ni 6'7ktk elmustfza w tgouli hl klmteen?" I annoyingly said,

Musaab: "la2, dag l2ni eshtgt l9outk w abi asm3a, w ma 3leek mnha 4i el7ywana t5si tz3l 56eebti"

Me: "ma hmtni wallah"

Musaab: "6yb w ana?"

Me: "w ent wsho?"

Musaab: "ahmk?"

Me: "dnyti ent a9ln" I said it in a very low tone,

I felt him smile,

Musaab: "w sa7ba 3la awl jumla glt'ha leesh?" he laughed,

Me: "eskt tara ysa7i"

Musaab: "haw gbl shway kna 7lween w nt3'zl, wsh 9ar?"

Me: "la tt3wd, he mara w7da bs bl sana"

Musaab: "eeh 5eer inshallah" he laughed,

Me: "weenk ent mu bshgtk?" I asked, "sam3a a9wat"

Musaab: "ana b In-N-Out at3asha m3 a5wyay"

Me: "tstahbl t7akeeni ketha gdamhum?"

Musaab: "6b3n la2, ma b3d tjnnt, r7t el7mam"

Me: "5la9 ajal ma a6wl 3leek"

Musaab: "6wli 3adi mshtag, w la7g 3la el3yal"

I heard someone open the door over the phone, "Musaab weenk 6wlt, tra brd burgerk w Mansour akl n9a w b6a6sk 5l9t, kl 4a zg?!"

 I burst out laughing,

Me: "rou7 rou7!"

Musaab: "yallah ajal yuma ana aklmk b3deen, la haw ma agdr FaceTime al7een agoul lk ana 6al3, eeh a7sn etha ja abouy"

Me: "wsh t5rb6 ent?"

Musaab: "famanillah"

Me: "a7bk"

He laughed and hung up, I WhatsApped him,

Esht'hait burger In-N-Out 7sbyallah 3la 3dwk :(

He took a picture of his burger and sent it to me,


Es7beeha ya zg

Mnb sa7bt'ha

Eeh l2nk bzr mub jayba shay jdeed

Wsh feeh bu Fahad z3l?

Afa 3laik bu Fahad yz3l mn a3'la w7da bdnyta?
Ma ynz3l 3leeha a9ln ;)

Agoul kl zg w kl w ent sakt

Wa6'7 enk est7aiti

Ana ast7i?
La w mn meen?

E6'7ki e6'7ki
Bukra t9ereen zoujti

Yallah bye enjoy your meal

Aklmk etha w9lt shgti ajal?

Eeh good



I was still laying on my bed, so I got up and washed up, I prayed, then changed into a basic maxi dress I wear usually at home, I went downstairs to make me some breakfast but then saw Kelly,

Kelly: "good morning, you want breakfast?"

Me: "bismillah I thought you were asleep!"

Kelly: "no" she laughed, "I wake up at 6 everyday, you don't know because you sleep!"

Me: "you're right" I let out a laugh,

Kelly: "what woke you up?"

Me: "I think yesterday's exam finally fixed my sleeping pattern"

Kelly: "yeah" she nodded, "good luck habibi!"

Me: "thank you"

Kelly: "so, what do you want for breakfast?"

Me: "umm omelette, please"

Kelly: "okay, you want to eat here or upstairs?"

Me: "in the living room please"

I left the kitchen and went to the living room, I turned the TV on and watched what was playing, I wasn't interested at all I was just wasting some time,

My phone dinged, a WhatsApp notification from Musaab.

Guys, since I only have one chapter written left, I decided to put the blog on hold for a while until I write enough chapters. I'm sorry and trust me, I'm more than annoyed that I have to put it on hold. I hate it. :(

Sunday, July 23, 2017

Calm Before the Storm: Chapter 25.


I called him Nasser bl3'l6 :(


Wallah kna jalseen n7ki 3na
W y3ni he wasn't on my mind at all
Bs madri shloun gltla Nasser
W z3l

Hl mara mar7 agoul lk shay
L2na 9ra7a a7s mn 7ga yz3l
Y3ni lw 56eebi nadani b esm his ex bz3l 6b3n, 7ta lw bl3'l6 bs bt7z b5a6ri mara!

Elmshkla enna kna ray7een cafe ntfahm
W t'hawshna
Ana brrt kl shay bs madri shloun englbt housha
Ensdt nfsi w gltla abi break

Break wsho?

Break afkr
Two weeks

Mta msafr ho?

This Wednesday 
W e5tbari Thursday 

E5tbark elli 3'bti 3na?


Weh Allah y3eenk
Glbi m3ak

Kan 93b?

Y3ni 93b 3la s'hoult elmada
Bs edrsi zeen

W t5yli ho bl shoufa gltla please ma njeeb 6ari Nasser gali okay ma njeeb 6areeh
B3deen he took me to White Garden where I was caught with Nasser, bs 6b3n ho ma ydri enna r7na White Garden, elzbda knt youmha mtwtra wla 36eeta wjh w bs sr7ana
B3deen s2lni 3n Nasser elyoum elli b3da w tnrfzt
W bnfs elwgt glt esma bl3'l6
I'm so sorry eni jalsa ad5l elmwa6'ee3 bb36' gltlk I'm so unsettled and lost I need advices

Ma 3leek bukra ajeek a3dl lk mzajk
Wsh wdk nswi bs?
Anseek om oma

Slamat wsh elli anseek om oma
Mabi ansah abi 7loul

Eeh ma 3leek kla mwjoud inshallah
Bs enti rwgi

Tnkteen enti w wjhk?

I was trying to cheer you up :(

You failed

I switched to Musaab's chat to check his last seen and he was online, I switched to Esraa's again,

Musaab's online


Ma 7akani?!

You asked for a break

W lw
Shd3wa y3ni

Ma yn3rf lk enti tara πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚
Ymkn he's only online to stalk you ;)

Ajl bye banam

Z3lti y3ni?

La 9dg wallah banam

Zeen goodnight
Mta ajeek bukra?

Madri mta ma wdk

I turned my phone off and slept. I woke up the next day to the sound of Esraa almost shouting,

Esraa: "goumi!"

Me: "ha wsh tbeen?"

Esraa: "yallah elsa3a arb3!"

Me: "arb3 wsho?!" I opened my eyes,

Esraa: "el39r wsho y3ni?"

Me: "kathaba ya sheenk, mnb gayma"

Esraa: "zeen wallah thlatha w n9 5la9!"

Me: "wsh 3ndk jaya bdri 6yb? Glt mta ma wdk bs mu enk tgwmeeni mn noumti el7lwa"

Esraa: "noumtk el7lwa ana a7la mnha, goumi yallah jaybtlk f6our m3i"

Me: "9dg?" I got up, "wsh jayba?"

Esraa: "rou7i 3'sli wjhk w t3ali a3outh bellah wsh 4l mn6'r elli ysd elnfs"

Me: "kli tbn"

I got up and went to the bathroom, washed up, prayed, then had some breakfast which was supposed to be lunch with Esraa.

I told her everything from A to Z and she wasn't sure who to blame, we swam, ordered dinner, and had a sleepover. 

I was left home alone on Wednesday to study for my final. It was about 12:30 AM and my family went out for dinner without even notifying me. Musaab's flight was in almost 5 hours and we haven't talked since our last talk in his car. To be honest, it was killing me. 

I flipped the page while huffing and complaining about how long the subject was. I wanted to skip studying and fucking enjoy the last two days of my vacation but reality had a second choice. The sound of my phone buzzing interrupted my complaint and it was a WhatsApp message from Musaab,

Enzleeli ana t7t baitkom

Wsh tswi t7t baitna?


I looked at myself in the mirror, I wasn't looking that bad, the only bad thing about my look was my pjs. I quickly changed into a basic top and a legging and went downstairs to open the street's door for him,

I tried to hide my smile: "haw Musa..."

Musaab: "ed5li la yshoufk 5wyi!"

I immediately stepped backwards and Musaab followed, he got in and he closed the door after him,

Me: "ent jay m3 5wyk?"

Musaab: "eeh byw9lni elm6ar, bs ma 6aw3ni glbi asafr w ma ashoufk" he smiled,

I blushed: "shukran"

Musaab: "wsh elli shukran?" he said in a very soft tone as he tucked my hair behind my ears, then smiled,

I stared at his eyes and we had a long eye-contact, we looked at each other a little too much to be just friends, or simply cousins,

Musaab: "eshtgt lk" he pulled me closer and side hugged me,

Me: "w ana b3d, w bshtag lk akthar etha safrt" I smiled as my eyes watered,

Musaab laughed: "wsh feek t9e7een 6yb?"

Me: "mn gal a9ee7?" I blinked my tears in,

Musaab: "3younk tlm3 kn feeha dmou3"

Me: "3youni mn Allah tlm3 ma a9ee7 wla shay"

Musaab: "ll7een tkabreen? 5la9 65i nfs ma ana 65eet"

I placed my head on his chest,

Me: "a7bk" I said in a low tone, "bukra e5tbari ed3eeli" I quickly said trying to change the subject before he focuses on my confession,

Musaab: "Allah ywfgk ya glb Musaab enti!" he patted on my arms then rubbed them as we were still side hugging then kissed my forehead,

Me: "byjoun ahli al7een 5la9 rou7!"

Musaab: "ween yjoun?" he knotted his eyebrows, "enti jalsa bl beet bl7alk?"

Me: "eeh, adrs!"

Musaab: "3adi 5leehum yjoun, jay aslm 3la 56eebti w awd3ha, wsh feeha?"

Me: "wla shay"

Musaab: "eeh 97 3laik, mafeeha shay, w mara w7da aslm 3la Faisal gbl asafr"

I raised an eyebrow,

Musaab: "wsho?" he laughed,

Me: "elsa3a km r7ltk?"

Musaab: "5:30, leesh?"

Me: "bdri 6yb, wla ent ketha nfs elaba2 lazim bl m6ar gbl million sa3a?"

Musaab: "mn 3umrk 7beebti, elsa3a 1 al7een, w mani ray7 elm6ar direct el3yal bl dewanya ynt6'rouni"

Me: "eeh ejls m3hum w t6eer 3nk el6yara"

Musaab: "mani m6wl bs bslm 3leehum 7g n9 sa3a ketha, w m3 msaft el6reeg"

Me: "6yb 5la9 rou7 al7een"

Musaab: "w etha abi ajls m3k?"

Me: "ana mabi, abi adrs"

Musaab: "elnas tg6'i a5r youmen mn ejazt'ha m3 a9dga2hm, y6l3oun w ystansoun, enti tdrseen?"

Me: "tt6nz, wla tbeeni asg6?" I raised an eyebrow,

He rubbed my hair,

Musaab: "ya 7lwk!"

Me: "la tms7 feeni ketha akrh el7rka, mnb g6wa!"

Musaab: "a7la g6wa b3d!" he smiled then looked at his wristwatch, "bs al7een lazm amshi, 36eeni hug gbl arou7 bsr3a" he pulled me closer to him and I placed my head on his chest, he placed his head over mine and took a deep breath,

Me: "z3lan mni?" I softly asked,

Musaab: "al7een t7seen mswi kl hatha w lssa z3lan?" I could feel him smiling,

Me: "madri, bs tara a7bk, w asfa, ma abeek tz3l mni etha z3ltk bklami hl ftra, 7ta ana mu 3arftni"

He removed his head that was over mine, placed his fingers under my chin and made me look at him,

Musaab: "mu z3lan mnk, w a7bk, w ma agdr az3l 3la elli a7bha a9ln" he smiled,

I genuinely smiled and gave him the warmest/tightest hug ever,

Musaab: "bs bs bmout 3la eedk ana!" he laughed,

Me: "kl zg, mu mnk a9lan, mni elli btshtag lk!" I rolled my eyes,

Musaab raised an eyebrow: "w nlf 3youna b3d?!" he laughed, "ketha enti ma tgdreen t5leen ell76'a elromancya tstmr shway?"

Me: "5aysa elromancya"

Musaab: "5aysa?" he tried to hide his laugh,

Me: "eeh, marra"

Musaab: "mash, ma tfhmeen enti" he hit my head playfully,

Me: "a7 rasi ya 7ywan!"

We heard a car horn,

Musaab: "bythb7ni, gltla bslm 3la 3mti w bji, 6wlt?"

I laughed: "lesh meen jaybk?"

Musaab: "5wyi, lw gltlk esma bt3rfeena y3ni?"

Me: "yimken a3rfa eeh" I teased him,

Musaab raised an eyebrow and laughed: "agoul!" he kissed the top of my forehead, "yallah m3 elslama, a7bk, w entbhi 3la nfsk, w bshtag lk, w a7bk" he smiled,

I blushed as I opened the door for him,

Musaab: "ed5li la t6l3een ketha"

Me: "haw mu 6al3a makan, yallah bye"

Musaab smiled: "bye"

He left and I closed the door after him,

I entered the house and directly went to my room, I unlocked my phone and saw a WhatsApp message from Musaab,

ΩˆΨ±ΨΊΩ… ΩƒΩ„ Ψ§Ω„Ω„ΩŠ Ψ­Ψ΅Ω„ Ω„ΩŠ، Ψ§Ω†Ψͺِ ديرة.. πŸ’™

Thank you for coming :(
I love you and I'm so lucky to have you wallah

OMG so basically I have the sweetest fiancΓ© ever, like literally!

Kl zg ma a7ki ketha

Ella t7keen ketha
K2nk chicken nugget

Chicken nugget 7gt el Kuwaitis shdrak feeha? πŸ˜‚

Ya kthrhum elli ma3ay b LA
Enti elli wsh drak? πŸ˜‚

3ndi Kuwaiti friends ;;)


Bye bdrs
Bs dg 3lay gbl la t6eer please

Bdoun ma tgouleen dag

So? ;)
You guys know what to do!