Sunday, July 9, 2017

Calm Before the Storm: Chapter 22.


Madri feeh cafe 7lu shfta ams


White Garden

My smile faded as I read the cafe's name over and over. It was the same cafe I went to with Nasser the day Musaab caught me, he doesn't know that's it's the cafe I sat with Nasser in, he only saw me walking into his car and hopping in, but I still didn’t want to go there. Never.

La ma an97k
Ma 3ndhm shay 7lu

I lied,

La mali d5l shayfla 9wr b Foursquare w thab7tni wdi al7een arou7la

6yb ๐Ÿ˜‚

Twg3t y3jbk
Gd r7teela?

Eeh zman
Akeed t3'yr al7een

Eeh w btstanseen lnk m3ay ;)
Mta amrk?

Al7een 6'hr
N6l3 elmaghrib shrayk?

Elli yry7k 7beebti


Musaab picked me up at around 6 PM and we went to White Garden Cafe. I was honestly annoyed, flashbacks hit me hard and it just ruined my mood. I closed my eyes and saw Musaab reproaching me why I went out with my boyfriend, I opened it again and saw Musaab sitting right in-front of me smiling. It was killing me. This place has my worst memory. I tried so hard not to show it. I fake smiled and tried to deal with it but it was too hard. Tears would cover my eyes but I try my best to blink them in. It was seriously one of the hardest times in my life, but I thanked God Musaab said nothing about it,

The time we spent on our way back home was so much better than the time we spent in the cafe, he played music and we chatted normally. My problem wasn't with Musaab, but with the place he took me to. I hate it.

He dropped me back home and I automatically slept after changing into my pjs, wiping my makeup off, and wishing Musaab a goodnight.

I woke up the next day very early, unlike the usual. It was around 11 AM. I washed up, prayed, and changed my pjs. My mood was gladly so much better than yesterday. I felt so relaxed and I was very chilled. I unlocked my phone to check if I had any WhatsApp messages from Musaab, but there were none, so I started the conversation,

Good morning babe
Mara gmt rayga elyoum madri wsh elsbb lol

Inshallah daymn

And he went offline,


He went online again,

Wla shay 7beebti

Madri esloubk 3'reeb
Kan wdi elyom arou7 spa bs kslt fj2a wdi arta7 bbeetna
W ma 7jzt a9ln, leet 3ndhom home service eff

Rou7i bukra 3adi

He went offline again. Something is wrong with him, I'm so sure.

If you feel like talking about it, I'm always here to listen :p

Talk about what?

You seem bothered

I'm not

As you like

I went offline and opened my laptop to watch the new episode of my series, but I couldn't. I kind of overthought about what could be going on Musaab's mind. I only watched the first 21 minutes of the episode then paused it. I unlocked my phone again to check if he sent anything.

Etha abi as2lk su2al
Ma tz3leen w trdeen b9ra7a?

My heart skipped a beat once I read his message. I mean, Musaab has always been the protective one, even though I couldn't think of any reason that would make him seem this annoyed, not even my attitude last night, I kind of got scared.


He was typing and deleting, the word "typing…" would appear for a few seconds then go to "online" again,

Km marra 6l3ti m3 Nasser?

I read his message over three times just to make sure I didn't misread what he sent,

9dg wallah?
That's what you've been thinking about? ๐Ÿ˜‚

Wsh feeha etha s2alt?

I told you mn gbl don't ask me about him
La t7ssni enk shak feeni!

Ween elshk blmw6'ou3
Su2al 3adi rdi 3la gda

Etha btjls kl shway ts2lni 3na 7ta b3d ma ntzwj w t3ayrni w tg6 klam la ttzwjni
Mani mst3da a3eesh m3 wa7d kl yom yhoujs bma6'i zoujta
Etha ma tbeeni simply let me go

Wsh elli la ttzwjni lw ma tbeeni?
A3ayrk b wsho a9ln?
La tkbreen elsalfa w td5leen mwa6'ee3 malha da3i
Rdi w bs ma r7 y9eer shay

Klami wa6'7

W klami aw6'7

Mub lazm t3rf Musaab ma r7 yfeedk!
Etha rdait 3leek kl shway bts2lni su2al jdeed w ma bn5l9
La tjeebli 6areeh 9f7a b7yati w en6wt la 3ad nft7ha please

He m6wya m7d ft7ha
Bs jals as2lk km marra!

Su2alk yghr :')
Ma abi ajawba

Laish yghr?

Mbyn gd esh you trust me :p

Wsh d5l el trust?
Hatha shay 9ar gbl la a56bk w gbl ma a3trf lk a9ln


Ma r7 tjawbeen?

L2nk ma tdri wsh kthr y7z b5a6ri youm ts2lni ketha

La t9ereen dlou3a Judy wsh glt!
Zoujti w mn 7gi a3rf

Mnb zoujtk

W 3la fkra
T9rufatk lately
He elli 5ltni I end up overthinking
Wla ana ma knt mfkr bhl mw6'ou3 abad

Wsh swait?!
M9d3a abi arta7 shway lw sma7t

I laid on my bed and closed my eyes. You might see me exaggerating, but trust me no one will ever feel what I'm feeling unless they've been through what I'm currently going through. My fiancรฉ is asking me about my ex who I broke up with a year ago. I understand that he caught me with him once, but if he's still thinking about it then he never really got over it, and I'm so not ready to marry a person who hasn't taken my ex out of his mind yet, because we will get married one day, we will live under the same roof. Flashbacks will hit him and his mood will probably change, he will alienate me, and that will probably let a huge distance grow between us and I don't want that. I want my relationship with my husband to be built on trust and nothing else.

The sound of my phone ringing interrupted my thoughts. I checked the caller ID and it was Musaab. I immediately picked it up,

Musaab: "alo"

Me: "n3m?"

Musaab: "ry7ti?"

Me: "la"

Musaab: "6yb Judy"

Me: "n3m?"

Musaab: "mu nawya tgoleenli?"

Me: "akhrk"

He was about to say something but I immediately interrupted him,

Me: "3la bali dag btra6'eeni 6l3t mu9r t3rf!"

Musaab: "z3lti?"

Me: "la abad"

Musaab: "a7ki 9dg"

Me: "6b3n z3alt! Musaab ma tdri wsh kthr y7z b5a6ri yom ts2l 3na, mu 3shana ho yakl tbn, 3shanna 7na, tbyn li enk lssa ma nseeta wla nseet eni byoum knt m3ah, ymkn ent tshouf ena ma y2thr b3lagtna bs etha ent mu gadr tnsa, ma astahbl m3k Musaab 5l nfs5 el56ouba, bukra etha tzwjna btt4kra mara thanya w tt4kr wsh swaina by6'eeg 9adrk w btksh mni w ymkn tshk feeni b3d, ana adri lw gltlk btt6'ayg w bt39b b3d 3shan ketha ma abi agoul, abeek tnsa, w etha mu gadr tnsa wla gadr t6l3 9ourti wyah mn balk nw5r 3n b36' mn bdri agoul lk la njeeb elmshakl lnfsna!"

Musaab: "tdreen wsh akthr shay y5leeni abi a3rf?"

Me: "wsho?"

Musaab: "e9rark enk ma tgoleen li" he said in a very calm tone,

Me: "ma abi agoul 3shank ent, mu 3shani" I sighed,

Musaab: "ll7een ma 3rfteeni y3ni, youm ana elli as2al 3n shay t2kdi million bl mya eni ma r7 a39b, l2ni ana eli knt abi a3rf w ma aloum feeh a7d ella nfsi w e9rari, ama etha ana mn nfsi shft shay ma y3jbni h4eek elsa3a b39b"

Me: "Musaab lw sm7t la t6'3'6 3lay, mabi at4kr shay y59a!"

Musaab: "enti elli lw sm7ti Judy! Mn youm jbti 6areeh blshoufa w ana 7as feek shay, slkt w 6l3na elyoum elli b3da w mzajk kan zft, kl shway tsr7een w tfkreen w mbyn mnz3ja, jals a7aki nfsi mu36'm elwgt w enti mu 7asa!" he took a breath, "w el6'ahr ho elcafe eli shfti feeh Nasser hathak elyoum 97?" he seriously asked,

Me: "wallah mala d5l eni jbt 6areeh bl shoufa, kant 3fw..."

Musaab took a very deep breath,

Musaab: "lw sm7ti jawbeeni"

Me: "eeh" I calmly said,

Musaab: "w leesh ma glti?"

Me: "gltlk Musaab mabi nrou7la 5ays!"

Musaab: "ma a9reeti!"

Me: "leesh a9r!"

Musaab: "3shan ma t5rbeen el6l3a!"

Me: "6yb, asfa 3'l6t bs kan 3adi etha r7nah, mafeeha shay!"

Musaab: "mafeeha shay w 6oul elwgt knti m6ngra w madri shloun 9ayr wjhk?"

Me: "Musaab 5la9 asfa, a3w6'ha lk b6l3a thanya w3d!"

Musaab: "mu lazm n3w6'ha, bs mumkn al7een tgoleenli km mara 6l3ti m3 eltbn elli esma Nasser?"

Me: "mar7 agoul lk w ent m39b ketha Musaab, please rwg"

Musaab: "al7een!" he almost shouted and I gave up,

Me: "ummm" I took a breath as my eyes watered, "wajd Musaab, wajd!" I took a breath, "ma at4kr gd esh" I sighed, "laish tbi t3rf?"

Musaab: "ah, mashallah!" he took a very deep breath, "w 9arat ashya2 bhl 6al3at, 97?"

Me: "ashya2?" I asked, "ashya2 wsho?"

Musaab: "ashya2!"

Me: "wsh g9dk b ashya2 ya5i la t7akeeni ktha bl al3'az!"

Musaab: "sawaito shay?"

My heart fluttered,

Me: "laish jals ts2lni 3n ashya2 9arat bl ma6'i?"

Musaab: "bs, wdi a3rf"

Me: "ma r7 yfeedk!"

Musaab: "gouleeli, wsh 9ar bainkom?"

I laughed: "lhal drja mafeeh th8a?"

Musaab: "la tfhmeeni 3'l6, mu g9di shay kbeer nfs elli jalsa tfkreen feeh"

Me: "la wallah?"

Musaab: "5ala9, bra7tik" he sighed,

Me: "shukran"

Musaab: "mta ma 7seeti wdk tgoleenli, I'll always be here to listen"

I shed a tear,

Me: "eeh ya Musaab eeh, I kissed him, zain?"

He went silent for a minute,

Me: "fadk bshay?" 

Musaab: "fadni"

Me: "b wsho bl6'b6?" I stopped for a second, "7rgt dmi w bs, w3!"

Musaab: "mu bs enti elli e7trg dmk tara, bs ketha ana knt abi a3rf, w aw3dk bykoun a5r su2al as2lk feeh 3na, hatha kl shay?"

Me: "wdk tsm3 akthar y3ni?"

Musaab: "lw feeh shay thani swaitouh, eeh wdi a3rf wsh ho"

Me: "ll2sf mafi, hatha kl shay"

Musaab: "wsh elli ll2sf tstahbleen?!"

Me: "ent tgoul wdk t3rf"

Musaab: "56eebti, w mn 7gi as2l 3nha wla mu mn 7gi?"

Me: "mu mn 7gk etha hl shay byjr7ha, ana ma gd s2lt 3n wla shay b7yatk 9ar zman!"

Musaab: "mushkltk, lw s2lteeni ay su2al t2kdi eni r7 ard 3leek daymn, 5li hl shay bbalk"

Me: "ent elli 5li bbalk eni mu nfsk, ma yhmni elma6'i kthr ma yhmni el7a6'r, yhmni ent wsho al7een akthr mn wsh knt"

Musaab: "es2li elli tbeena"

Me: "a3rf kl shay"

Musaab: "mt2kda?"

Me: "feeh shay ma a3rfa?"

Musaab: "madri enti es2li"

Me: "Nasser bye, nklm b36' etha hdaina a7sn ketha abad ma r7 yfeed"

Musaab: "wsh esmi?"

So? What are your thoughts guys?
Please send me your feedback!