Sunday, June 4, 2017

Calm Before the Storm: Chapter 14.


I don't know how to explain, but Ali doesn't see us if he comes downstairs, only we can see him, because they have a very long hallway, and at the end of the hallway there's the living room we were in, and we face the stairs since the living room doesn't have a door, anyways so Ali came downstairs and we watched him walk giving us his back, he was walking through the hallway towards the door, and that's when Esraa came out of the bathroom that was at the beginning of the hallway and bumped into Ali.

Esraa came back almost running trying to act like nothing happened,

Halah: "ya 76'k!"

I chuckled at how openly she was talking but also knotted my eyebrows,

Esraa: "huh?"

Halah: "weeh en5blt, agoul ya 76'k 9g3ti feeh, elwld 7lu!"

Me: "3eeb Halah!" I laughed, "tara e5ta jmbk"

Dina: "3adi 3adi t3wadt" she laughed,

Esraa: "tara mu thak elzoud, sorry Dina no offense"

Dina laughed: "wsh d5lni, adri ena mu 7lu, bs Halah myta 3leeh"

Halah: "mnb myta, bs agoul ena 7lu haw!"

Dina laughed: "eeh inshallah!"

I remained silent, I just wasn't interested in their topic. Ali wasn't my type and even if he was, ain't nobody got time for crushing, at least not me.

Esraa and I went back home at around 12:30 AM. Raju was sleeping so she dropped me back home. I had so much fun with the girls I can't deny, but I don't think I'll ever call them a squad. They are simply just some colleagues mixed with friends.

Esraa called me a week later and asked me to come over so I got dressed and Raju took me to her place, we were getting ready to go to a family festival, we did so and enjoyed and went back to her place again, it was about 11:30 and I was dead tired.

Esraa: "tara btnameen 3ndi" she said as she threw a pair of pjs at me,

Me: "enti bt7akeen mama"

Esraa: "eeh 3adi t7bni he"

Me: "bs ma tst7i mnk"

Esraa: "mar7 tgoul shay, mn zman mu nayma 3ndi"

Me: "dgi 6yb"

She called my mom and she agreed, I went to wear her pjs and brushed my teeth with the extra toothbrush she has, I removed my makeup and laid on her sofa bed. She turned the lights off and tucked herself under her very comfortable bedsheets.

Esraa: "esm3i"

Me: "hmm"

Esraa: "feeh wa7d tgdm li" she suddenly said,

I laughed: "wsho?"

Esraa: "ma astahbl, t5yali!"

Me: "mta?" I let out a laugh, "laish ma glteeli?"

Esraa: "elyoum bl6'hr mama galtli"

Me: "l76'a 9adga enti?"

Esraa: "eeh wallah!"

Me: "3rfti meen 6yb?"

Esraa: "eeh"

Me: "meen?"

Esraa: "Ali" she said in a very low tone,

Me: "meen Ali?" I immediately remembered him after I pronounced his name, "oh!"

Esraa: "I know right! Marra oh!"

Me: "wsh salftk m3ah enti?"

Esraa: "wsh salfti?"

Me: "madri 3nk"

Esraa: "tstahbleen, ana elli abi a3rf wsh salfta, 9g3t feeh elesbou3 elma6'i w elyoum y56bni!"

Me: "w btshofeena?"

Esraa: "madri"

Me: "a7sk bazr!"

Esraa: "ana bazr, twni 3la elzwaj wsh ybi y56bni?"

Me: "3jbteeh"

Esraa: "kli tbn bs"

Me: "wla el9ra7a enti 9dg bazr"

Esraa: "nami 6yb"

Me: "eeh shway w bnam"

Esraa: "3shan abi bukra nrou7 elsoug, don't go home ok?"

Me: "leesh?"

Esraa: "abi ashouf outfit 3shan youm ma tzourna oma haw"

Me: "3jeeb!" I laughed, "nawya tshoufena mn bdri?" I laughed harder, "ethgli twha mklma omk el7urma!"

Esraa: "3eeb 3la 6oul arf6' bdoun sbb a7s"

Me: "m7d gal erf6'eeh bs ethgli, w b3deen 3eeb wla enti eli wdk tshofeena?"

Esraa: "tmouteen etha ma 7arshti enti?"

Me: "amout etha ma 7arshtk enti bs"

Esraa: "ana a3rf shloun asktk 7beebti"

Me: "la wallah?"

Esraa: "eeh tgoulen li mta Musaab raj3?" she teased me,

Me: "wsh dra omi 3na ana?"

Esraa: "umm, ma tdreen?"

Me: "la2?"

Esraa: "6yb wsh rdeeti 3la elmskeen yom galk ena y7bk?"

Me: "ma glt shay"

Esraa: "ma t7seen 3eeb?"

Me: "kl shay 3ndk 3eeb enti, shh bnam"

Esraa: "Ju..."

Me: "Esraa please bnam 5la9 eskti"

Esraa: "hey hey wsh feek?"

Me: "la t6'ygeen 5lgi akthr 5la9 kli zg enti wyah"

She finally shut up and I slept. I woke up the next day, Esraa was awake but still on bed. I grabbed my things to pack them,

Esraa: "la trou7een mar7 nrou7 elsoug?"

I laughed: "ethgli Esraa!"

Esraa: "wsho athgl ween?"

Me: "umk 7aktk ams w tbeen tshtreen lbs elyoum 3la 6oul? Swi ena ma yhmk 5lha he t4krk la tmouteen 3laina bs"

Esraa: "Allah ya54k mta nrou7 y3ni?"

Me: "4 ayam ketha, ma 3ndk shay bl doulab?"

Esraa: "madri eft7eeh shoufi"

I opened her closet, and it was literally full,

Me: "ya 6'alma kl hatha w ma 3ndk?"

Esraa: "ma y9l7"

Me: "hatha 7lu"

I pulled out a simple dress,

Esraa: "6weel ybeela k3b w mabi a6l3 over"

Me: "hatha 6yb?"

I pulled out a jumpsuit,

Esraa: "eeh mmkn bs mani mgtn3a mara"

Me: "7lu 3n eldl3, mafeeni arou7 soug Esraa elbseeh"

Esraa: "bfkr"

Me: "7lu hatha, w youm yje Ali nrou7 nshtri bs 3nd oma ma y7taj"

Esraa: "6yb 5la9 blbsa 3shank w3"

Me: "shukran, yallah bye" I smiled and left,

Raju took me back home and I got in. I directly walked towards the stairs to go upstairs but my mom called me,

Mama: "nd5l ketha la salam wla kalam?"

Me: "ma shftk" I kissed her forehead, "hi"

Mama: "ygoloun elslam 3lykum" she gave me a look,

Me: "la t5zeeni yuma asfa, elslam 3lykum"

Mama: "eeh ketha w 3lykum elslam w elr7ma, af6rti?"

Me: "la"

Mama: "tbeen agoul l Kelly t9l7 lna f6our?"

Me: "eeh yallah, ana b6l3 a54 shower w anzl"

I took my first step to go upstairs, but then went back,

Me: "eeh 97 yuma mta byrj3 Musaab?"

I had no idea why I asked, his name suddenly gave me chills.

Mama: "elmfrou6' enti adra mni, wsh drani ana?"

Me: "madri, ymkn 5ali Fahad galk"

Mama: "la, ho ja b short holidays, kanu klhm esbou3 bs w kan yje 3shan oma bs, w yn6'3'6 etha rj3, ma 6'nti feeh ejazat greeb b America wla?"

Me: "wsh drani ana?"

I immediately went upstairs. I had no idea why I asked, it was just too stupid, and what embarrassed me the most, is that I suddenly brought his name up out of the blue.

I took a quick shower and wore basic clothes, then went back downstairs to have breakfast with my mom,

Mama: "t4krt, ma r7 yje ella b3d ma y5l9 hl semester w y5l9 his finals"

Me: "aha, Allah ywafga"

Mama: "ameen yarab w ywfgk enti w 5wank, w ashoufkm anj7 w as3ad elnas, w 7oulkm elli t7bounhum yarab"

Me: "ana a7bk enti yuma"

Mama: "eeh g9i 3lay bhal klmteen, w b3deen ma tsm3een kalami"

Me: "afa bs mta ma sma3t klam Basoumi ana?"

Mama: "Basoumi b3eenk"

Me: "haw mu 3ajbk? Yom ygoulk abouy tstanseen"

Mama: "abouk 3'eer, enti tnadeeni mama"

Me: "inshallah 3mti, awamr thanya?"

Mama: "kli w enti sakta" she laughed,

4 days later, Ali's mom and his sisters went to see Esraa and she was more than nervous. I wanted to be by her side but I had a 3azeema that my mom forced me to go to, but it was okay, it was only his mom and his sisters, they were just like any other normal guests.

I went to her house 3 days later though, when Ali came with his mom and sisters for his shoufa shar3iya with Esraa,

Esraa: "yaweeli bamout, galbi ynb6' bsr3a!"

Me: "hatha eli tgoul elwld mu thak elzoud ajal?"

Esraa: "eeh abd mu thak elzoud, ana mtwtra mn elfkra nfs'ha mu mna"

Me: "eeh b7awl a9dgk ashwa enk myta 3leeh" I teased her,

Esraa: "bukra ashoufk yom y56bk Musaab wsh tsween!"

Me: "mt2mla mara enti? Meen galk enna bntzwj w3, mst7eel awafg 3leeh lw tn6bg elsama 3la elar6', a5ouy hatha ma byfkr ytgdmli a9ln!"

Esraa: "ma yshoufk e5ta"

Me: "6yb ana ashoufa a5ouy"

Esraa: "n9aba wallah" she smiled,

Me: "eskti"

Esraa: "y9eer 5eer inshallah" she said still smiling,

Me: "wsh tbeen wagfa ttbousmen? Enzli elwld ynt6'rk tara"

Esraa: "m7d nadani"

Me: "haw twha e5tk gayla lk 5 dgayg w enzli!"

Esraa: "bala fagsh, tbeen elfakka?"

Me: "wjhk ywtrni"

Esraa: "eeh l2ni agoul el7g"

I hope you guys liked today's chapter!
I'm so so so sorry for the delay. :(

Please leave your opinion about it down below in the comments.


  1. Mra 7looo��

  2. mrrrrrrrrrrrrra 3jbne bs mdre leh a7s by9er feh shay between esraa w joud w ali twtrt lol...

  3. Thank you guys! Bs shay nfs wsho ma fhamt? :p
