Thursday, June 8, 2017

Calm Before the Storm: Chapter 15.


Me: "wsh tbeen wagfa ttbosmeen? Enzli elwld ynt6'rk tara"

Esraa: "m7d nadani"

Me: "haw twha e5tk gayla lk 5 dgayg w enzli!"

Esraa: "bala fagsh, tbeen elfakka?"

Me: "wjhk ywtrni"

Esraa: "l2ni agoul el7g"

The door got knocked,

Me: "ed5l"

The door got opened and it was Asmaa, Esraa's younger sister,

Asmaa: "mama tgoul enzli al7een bsr3a!"

Esraa: "yuma wsh feekm la twtrouni wsh eli bsr3a?!"

Esraa's Point of View:

I went downstairs after Judy wished me good luck, I knocked the door and then got in, I saw his mom and sisters, they greeted me, then I sat next to Dina, who happens to be Ali's sister and my classmate.

Dina: "wsh thal zeen mashallah a5ouy 3rf y5tar!" she whispered,

Me: "u9 bamout mn el7aya" I whispered back,

Dina: "bsmallah 3leek, a5ouy eli bymout etha ma shafk wallah, la tmouteen!" she whispered,

I blushed as I thought of a response but Ali's mom spoke,

Ali's Mom: "keefk 7beebti Esraa 3sak b5eer?"

Me: "el7mdellah 5alti ana b5eer dam enk b5eer" I smiled,

Ali's Mom: "Allah ysalmk 7beebti, wsh thal zeen mashallah 3'bt 3nk thlath ayam w e7lweeti akthar" she smiled,

Me: "elzain zaink wallah 5alti tslmeen" I blushed,

Mama: "msta7ya ya3ni?" she laughed,

Ali's Mom: "etrkeeha el7ya zeen" they both laughed,

I heard my mom talk to my dad behind the door,

Mom: "7beebti yallah abouk ynt6'rk bl mjls elthani"

I smiled and got up awkwardly to go to the other living room, my dad and Ali were sitting down, but they both got up as soon as I came in,

Baba smiled: "ana t8reebn 3raft kl shay abi a3rfa 3n Ali, w mashallah rjal w eln3m feeh, bs mn 7gk ts2leen 3na akthar enti, ana btrkkum bl7alkum shway t7koun w arj3 lkum, zeen?"

I nodded as he got up and left, Ali turned his head to face me, and it was my first time ever to focus on his facial details. He was white, not too white. He had an olive skin tone to be specific, his eyebrows were thick, his eyes were small, colored in light brown and he had long lashes, his nose was normal, and finally his teeth were his best feature in my opinion.

Ali: "shlounik Esraa?"

Me: "el7mdellah b5eer w ent shlounk?"

Ali: "el7mdellah kways" he smiled, "enti kubr Dina 97?"

Me: "eeh, umm tbi gahwa?" I awkwardly asked,

Ali chuckled: "la shukran wallah shrabt, enti tbeen?"

Me: "la2 shukran, km 3umrk?"

Ali: "23, w bt5rj elsana eljaya inshallah"

Me: "76'k"

Ali: "twha awl sana lk w zhagti? Ya 7leelk ma shfti shay"

Me: "la t7b6ni 3ad"

Ali: "mu jals a7b6k, bl3ks a7la ayam wallah"

Me: "leesh wsh t599k?"

Ali: "industrial engineering, enti wsh nawya?"

Me: "ma adri ymkn marketing, ma b3d 8rrt"

Ali: "eeh marketing 7lu, ethneen mn a5wyai da5leena w 3ajbhum ygoloun mumt3"

Me: "wgt'ha y9eer 5eer, bs abi accounting b3d"

Ali: "egri 3nhum w elli y3jbk akthar rbi bywfgk feeh inshallah"

Me: "wyak inshallah" I smiled,

The door got knocked and then immediately opened, "hathi eli tgoul a5ouk mu thak elzoud?" It was Dina, she laughed as soon as she saw my priceless face,

Ali: "meen? Ana elli mu thak elzoud?"

Dina: "eeh"

Ali: "la ma tsweeha 56eebti wla tgoulha, 97?" he faced me,

Me: "wsho 3la keefk 8rrt eni 56eebtk?" I blushed,

Ali: "leesh t7koun 3ni a9lan?" he laughed,

Dina: "l2ank 3'bi ma tshouf, w 9ga3t feeha" she laughed,

Ali: "he eli ma tshouf, wla ana mashi b6reegi" he chuckled,

Me: "la wallah?"

Dina laughed: "elmuhem Ali, mama tgoul bnamshi al7een"

I got up to farewell his mother who opened the door wide after Dina finished her sentence and they left,

Mama: "ha yuma wsh rayk feeh?"

Me: "meen?"

Mama: "athath elmjls, meen y3ni?"

I laughed: "madri 3adi"

Mama: "3adi y3ni wsho?"

Me: "y3ni lazm afkr gbl ard lk"

Mama: "fkri w 54i wgtk, bs r2yk feeh mbd2yn wsho?"

Me: "elwld zeen"

Mama: "kways ajal" she smiled, "ana b3d ert7t lhum, w est5rt 3nk million mara"

I smiled at her then went back upstairs,

Back to Judy's Point of View:

Me: "ha wsh 9ar?"

Esraa smiled: "wla shay"

Me: "wsh elli wla shay w elebtsama shaga wjhk?"

Esraa: "wallah ma 9ar shay bs we talked, b3deen e5ta Dina d5lt tgoul hathi eli tgoul a5ouk mu thak elzoud w ho jls y6'7k cute"

Me: "w lssa t7seena mu 4ak elzoud?"

Esraa blushed: "4ak elzoud w n9"

Me: "3shtaw, la ta54een wjh klha shoufa shr3iya"

Esraa: "wsh 3leek mni 5leeni astans"

Me: "eeh estansi estansi mbyn myta 3leeh"

Esraa: "3jbni"

Me: "enti leeh 5feefa ketha?"

Esraa: "ween el5ffa jalsa agoul lk enti ma r7t 5maita gltla trak 3ajbni!"

Me: "y6l3 mnk tsweenha"

Esraa: "la tbal3'een 3ad"

Me: "eeh w elfinals b tbda b3d esbou3en a7sk mn elzhg elli byjeek wgt'ha bttzwjeen"

Esraa: "shakli wallah"

Me: "ho ma t5rj wla t5rj wla wsh salfta?"

Esraa: "next year yt5rj, bageela thlath atram y3ni"

Me: "w 7na twna ya 7leelna"

Esraa: "shfti!"

Nothing so important happened until finals week came, first term finals to be specific. I was done with four finals and had one more left to go.

Mama: "Judy goumi edrsi la t6fsheeni!"

Me: "yuma 5l arta7 elyoum off day ma 3ndi shay!"

Mama: "tgoleen elmada 6weela"

Me: "bs sahla, daym a5r e5tbar ykoun sahl"

Mama: "g9dk ms7oub 3leeh?"

Me: "ma r7 as7b yuma, bs btfrj m3ak el7lga hathi w bgoum"

Mama: "mn mta t7been elmslslat el5leejya?"

Me: "mn bdt elfinals"

Mama laughed: "tdwreen ay shay 3shan ma tdrseen?"

Me: "bl6'ab6"

Mama: "abeek tdrseen ana 3shan nrou7 3nd jdtk bukra, ma tt34reen enk ma drsti"

Me: "7na ma ntjm3 ayam elfinals haw"

Mama: "bs bukra Musaab jay, ma tdreen y3ni?"

Me: "oh jd?"

Mama: "enti w Musaab ll7een ma t7koun?"

Me: "n7ki 3adi"

Mama: "n9aba"

Me: "shrayk agoum adrs?"

Mama: "fkra b3d, m3 eni adri enk mu gayma tdrseen bs tt'hrbeen mn su2ali, ejlsi ejlsi bskt"

Me: "shd3wa, bs shagoulk y3ni we fought yuma"

Mama: "eeh Allah y9l7kum"

I didn't reply and resumed watching the Khaleeji show that was playing on our TV silently.

So, Musaab's coming! I should probably get ready for the awkwardness I'm going to feel when we meet. The idea of it itself makes me want the ground to swallow me up so bad.

I got up and continued studying once the Khaleeji show was over. I woke up the next day at around 11:30 AM and revised what I studied. Later, my mom woke up and we went to my grandmother's house.

I WhatsApped Esraa,

Did I tell you that he is coming?
I'm more than nervous
He fucking confessed!

Bl3ks don't be
Maybe you guys are finally going to figure all this shit out and solve it

I don't want to solve anything

Yeah die crushing on Musaab that sounds much better

I'm not crushing on anyone :)

Yep sure

I'm serious

You love him

As a brother

You get jealous when it comes to him
He loves you
What are you guys waiting for?

I'm personally waiting for death
M3 elslama

Ya sheenk! Bazr wallah
When is he coming?

7sb klam 5ali Fahad 6yarta tou9l 3:15
It's 4:30 now I think ho bl 6reeg

He might show up now

Inshallah la
Ma abi awajhha
Mar7 a6al3 bwjha a5af

El7mdellah w elshkr mn wsho t5afeen?!

As soon as my finger touched the screen to type, the door got opened and Musaab came in with a bunch of bags. I quickly pretended to be typing something, even though I had no idea what I wanted to say,

Talk to me he is here

Bs ya teenager

Mu l2nk m56ouba tshofeen nfsk 3lay ha

Mnb m56ouba haw

3la asas ma adri enk btwafgeen 3la Ali?

Wsh y6'mnk

E7sas el om

I felt a very tall figure standing in front of me, I raised my head up and it was Musaab, his eyes sparkled once our eyes met and my heartbeats started racing. He looked so grown up, he has grown a beard and his facial features suddenly looked so different. I looked down at his body and it was so much fitter than how I remember it was.

So, Musaab's back!
Any thoughts on what's going to happen with him and Judy? ;)


  1. Loved it keep going๐Ÿ’•๐Ÿ’•

  2. mrra 7lo estemerrrri w wdi y9eer shay beenhm joud w musaab...<3

  3. Thank you! And oh about that, we'll see. :(
