Friday, June 16, 2017

Calm Before the Storm: Chapter 17.


Musaab: "slamtk, w 6mneeni 3leek"

Me: "inshallah, bye"

Musaab: "m3 elslama"

He hung up and I touched my stomach again. I pressed on it hard and I felt like dying. I wanted to ignore the pain so I brushed my teeth and slept.

I woke up the next day feeling extra tired. My stomach was hurting me like a motherfucker. I was about to get up but my mom barged in,

Mama: "Judy elsa3a 3!"

Me: "bsmallah 6yb yuma wsh 9ar y3ni?"

Mama: "edrsi! Wrak final bukra!"

Me: "yuma b6ni y3wrni"

Mama: "ajeeb lk Buscopan bs ef6ri awl, tbeen agoul l Kelly tsweelk shay mu3yn?"

Me: "ay shay, sandwich jubn mthln"

Mama: "6yb etha 3leek 9lat goumi bsr3a el7gi 9lat el6'hr gbl la yd5l wgt el39r"

Me: "zeen"

She left and I got up, washed up, prayed, and wore basic home clothes,

Mama: "Haifa 3azmtna bbet'ha elyoum, tgdreen tjeen aw t3t4reen?"

Me: "eeh mashallah, w el3zaym ma t7la lhum ella wgt ele5tbarat!"

Mama: "wallah 7beebti kl elsh3b 5l9 ma bga ella enti!"

Me: "jam3ti 5ra wsh thnbi?"

Mama: "edrsi w 3n el negative energy, wdk tjeen aw la?"

Me: "bageeli chapter wa7d, etha mdani a5l9a w araj3a bje m3kum, w kwys en el slides 7gta gleela"

Mama: "zeen, Allah ywfgk yarab"

She left my room, and my stomach's pain was back again. I couldn't study properly, it was literally killing me. I tried to ignore it again and studied. Once I was done, I took a shower and got dressed. I applied some makeup and we were ready to go.

Raju took us to Haifa's. It looked like everyone was there and we were the last ones to arrive,

Mama: "elslam 3lykum"

All: "w 3lykum elslam ya hala, weenkum t25rtu?"

Me: "eeh ana m25rt'ha knt adrs, sorry"

Haifa: "weh e5tbark bukra? Sorry ma drait"

Me: "3adi shd3wa, a9ln a7s kl a7d 36l bs bagi ana"

Alia: "eeh entu jam3tkum madri shloun, Allah y5li jam3ti 7mdellah ma 6aw3tk w sjlt m3k"

Me: "kli tbn" I said as I sat next to her,

Me: "ween 5ali Fahad?"

Musaab: "ra7 y9li elmaghrib w jay bs madri shfeeh t25r"

Me: "oh"

He came in,

Me: "3mrk 6weel bsmallah 3leek!"

Uncle Fahad: "ha t7shoun feeni?"

Alia: "yummy wsh hl ree7a?"

Uncle Fahad: "ana jayblkum cookies, e3trfu etha 7asheen feni mani m36i a7d"

Alia: "ana please 5ali Fahad 9arli shahar mshtahya cookies abi!"

My stomach hurt again,

Me: "tkfeen goumi 3ni la takleena jmbi ree7ta gwya ma asht'hi btlw3 kbdi mara"

Mama: "bsmallah 3leek mn wsho?"

Me: "madri"

Uncle Fahad: "b6nk y3wrk?"

Me: "shway" 

My phone dinged, a WhatsApp notification from Musaab,

El2lm mn ams?
Ma r7ti mstshfa?

La ween ma yswa
Shway w yrou7 el2lm

Mama: "ma a54ti 7bt el Buscopan eli 36eetk b3d ma af6rti?"

Me: "ella"

Alia came back with a handful of cookies and sat next to me. The smell of the cookies killed me,

Me: "Alia!"

Alia: "wsho? Tra ree7ta 7lwa enti mree6'a!"

Uncle Fahad: "yuma Haifa zoujk weena mu bl beet lesh mu jals m3na? Aw 3l agl nd5l elmjls da5l 7na elrjal w njls m3ah"

Haifa: "la yuba Ahmed m3zoum a9ln, w b3deen ana mn zman mu shayftkom abi ajls m3kum l7alna"

Me: "Alia akrhk! Glt lk elree7a!"

I got up almost running to the bathroom. My stomach pain was getting only worse so I couldn't help but vomit.

I washed my face and rinsed my mouth with some water then unlocked the bathroom's door. I found my mom in front of me,

Mama: "elbsi 3batk Judy bwdeek el6beeb"

Me: "6beeb? Shd3wa yuma la tkbreenha w he 93'eera, shway w y5f el2lm ma a7b eldrama"

I saw Musaab coming,

Musaab: "el2lm mn ams mu mn shway"

Mama: "mn ams?"

Me: "eeh bs 3adi mub big deal!"

Mama: "ella big deal, goumi yalla al7een aklm Raju!"

Musaab: "tklmeen Raju w ana mwjoud? Shd3wa 3mti al7een ash3'l elsayara entu elbsu 3bayakm bs"

He took his car keys and left,

Me: "yuma ma feeni shay!"

She handed my my Abaya,

Mama: "w etha 6l3 feek tsmum aw bala wsh aswi ana wgt'ha? Emshi nkshf mn bdri la yt6'a3f w y9eer shay sheen!"

Me: "inshallah"

Mama: "Musaab wsh drah ena b6nk y3wrk mn ams?" she smiled,

Me: "7kaina"

Mama: "tsam7tu?"

Me: "yuma mu wagta please 5nmshi!"

I opened the door and we left. My mom hopped in the passenger seat and I hopped in the back one as Musaab drove to the nearest hospital.

After the doctor checked up on me, he told me that my appendix got inflamed and I had to get it removed. He made me choose the type of surgery I wanted to have, either laparoscopic, or an open one. I was more than worried that I started sweating. He told me that the laparoscopic surgery is much easier so I went with it and he got out to prepare the OR.

Mama: "la t5afeen ma t3wr, ana swait'ha yom knt bl thanawi, bs ma kan mn6'ar 6b3n"

Me: "w ent ya fr7ti ma sweet'ha?" I looked at Musaab,

Musaab: "bsmallah 3lay, 3ad shakla shay kayd Allah y3eenk"

Mama: "ma 3leek mna, tra sahla w y6l3ounk 3la 6oul la t5leena yl3b 3leek"

Musaab laughed, he unlocked his phone and started typing something. My phone dinged and I knew he WhatsApped me,

Hatha elli tgoul mafeeni shay?

Wsh drani 6yb

Tro7een tshykeen 3nd el doctor, mu ttdl3een

Mta tdl3t? ðŸ˜‘

Mara thanya tsm3een el klam mn bdri

Kl zg bs

I was so freaking happy that the old him was back. After months of ignoring my existence and giving me very dirty death stares, Musaab is finally getting back to the old him, even though the change was slow, I was loving it.

Mama: "la wallah? Ana ashouf eni a6l3 w atrk lkum el3'urfa a7sn 3shan t7koun bra7tkum, la tt3bkum el6g6ga bl jwal"

Musaab's face went really red,

Musaab: "shd3wa 3mti, mu g9di shay-"

Mama laughed: "amz7 m3ak! Ana anbs6 yom ashoufkm t7koun tara t6'ygoun 5lgi lama tt'hawshoun w tjlsoun knha 6'rtk w tg6oun n6'rat!"

Musaab awkwardly smiled. It was obvious that the atmosphere suddenly became extra awkward.

The doctor came in,

Doctor: "tf6'li m3ay Judy"

Me: "la mabi doctor a5af!"

Doctor: "bn36eek mu5dr inshallah ma t7seen bshay"

Me: "b3d?" I took a breath and my stomach hurt again and I touched it to release the pain, I moaned,

Doctor: "tsween el3mlya tt2lmeen shway bs tftkeen mn el2lm inshallah, etha ma sweteeha btt6'a3f elmshakl w e7tmal y9eer feek shay akbr la sm7 Allah, wsh wdk?"

Me: "mama 3ndi e5tbar bukra!"

Mama: "kl shay yt3w6', ahm shay 97tk al7een yallah ed5li!"

I went with the laparoscopic surgery and was done few hours later. I opened my eyes slowly and turned around,

Me: "ween mama?"

Musaab: "mashallah 3leek gmti?"

Me: "eeh el7mdellah, ween mama?"

Musaab: "ra7t tjeeb lk sick-leave 3shan etha ma gdrti tro7een e5tbar bukra, enti wsh t7seen feh al7een tbeen ajeeblk shay?"

Me: "moya! 7lgi nashf!"

He got up and opened the fridge to get me some water. I wanted to get up,

Musaab: "ween ray7a la tgomeen!"

Me: "abi ashrb!"

Musaab: "ajeeb lk straw, bs la tt7rkeen ma b3d ja el doctor la tjebeen el3eed"

Me: "wsh feek 5ayf bzyada? Ma r7 y9eer shay tara swait 3mlyt zayda ma enshlait"

Musaab: "la t3andeen Judy wla ma by6l3k el doctor elyoum"

Me: "wsh d5l?"

Musaab: "ma astahbl m3k, ejlsi zeen ha jbtlk straw 3shan ma tgomeen, tbeen shay thani?"

Me: "tara klha zayda, madri etha wldt wsh btswi feeni" I annoyingly said while letting out a laugh,

Musaab smiled widely as he looked at me very happy. I realized what I just said and blushed. In fact, I was very embarrassed. Musaab noticed that my cheeks turned really red. He smirked but also managed to change the subject,

So do you guys really ship the cousins together?!
Send me your feedback!